287 research outputs found

    Leadership Approaches to Developing an Effective Drug Treatment System

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    Improving the effectiveness of the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment requires leadership approaches that have an impact on the effectiveness of drug treatment. To promote this positive system change, we define leadership beyond leaders’ characteristics. We consider leadership as a developmental competency among individuals, as well as the relational role of followers and the enabling context of organizational climate which together create a system of influence. Using this developing framework, we discuss how the foundations of certain leadership styles, like transformational leadership can be enacted by program leaders to improve the human and program resources necessary to deliver culturally responsive and evidence-based treatment for some of the most vulnerable groups struggling with SUDs. Building on their transformational and implementation competencies, program leaders can promote organizational climates and program and financial approaches to deliver effective care to some of the most vulnerable populations. We provide a case study to stimulate discussion on how leadership can trickle down to staff to improve care for vulnerable clients

    Management Practices to Enhance the Effectiveness of Substance Use Disorder Treatment

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    Managers of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment organizations face significant challenges to improve treatment effectiveness. The field has paid significant attention to the delivery of pharmacological and psychosocial treatment interventions, and the effectiveness of these interventions, with little consideration for the role of management practices that enhance the delivery of such evidence-based practices (EBPs). This chapter describes evidence-based management practices (EBMPs) that may support the effective and consistent delivery of EBPs in SUD treatment. Drawing from a socio-technical and cultural framework, we propose a management approach that relies on policies, human resources, and culturally responsive practices to directly and or indirectly facilitate the delivery of EBPs. In particular, this chapter describes EBMPs that could be widely implemented to respond to the cultural, linguistic, and service needs of racial and ethnic minority groups. We discuss implications for funding and support of management training to improve standards of care and include a case example to promote reflection

    A New Multi-Rate Clock and Data Recovery Circuit

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    A new bit rate adaptive clock and data recovery circuit able to operate in a range from 3.125 Mb/s to 2.5 Gb/s is presented in this work. It is designed in a standard CMOS technology, fed with a single supply voltage of 1.8 V and has a maximum power consumption of 140 mW

    Un modelo del gasto con factores sociodemográficos y de hábitos de viaje en Pueblos Mágicos del Estado de Guanajuato, México

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    En este trabajo se presenta un panorama de la industria turística mexicana que incluye un análisis de las tendencias y la competitividad del sector en el contexto de la aplicación del Programa Nacional de Pueblos Mágicos. Se desarrolla un modelo econométrico con el fin de analizar el comportamiento del gasto de los visitantes a los Pueblos Mágicos del Estado de Guanajuato. Los coeficientes del modelo son estimados con una base de datos de la Secretaría de Turismo del Estado de Guanajuato. La información se generó a partir de una encuesta aplicada en los cinco Pueblos Mágicos de esa entidad en el año 2013. El modelo permite estimar elasticidades de los factores de impacto y generar niveles de referencia de gasto en diferentes escenarios. El modelo se plantea como una regresión log-lineal con variables explicativas que capturan características sociodemográficas y de hábitos de viaje. Tomando en cuenta los resultados del modelo, se discuten estrategias para estimular el crecimiento de la demanda turística en estos Pueblos Mágicos.This paper provides a general vision of the tourism industry in Mexico with an analysis of its overall trends and competitiveness with especial emphasis in the Pueblos Magicos National Programme. An econometric analysis has been carried out in order to analyze the expenditure patters of visitors to the Pueblos Magicos of Guanajuato State. The expenditure model coefficients are calculated using a data base of the Secretaria de Turismo de Guanajuato – SECTUR-GTO (Guanajuato Tourist Office). The data base was created from a survey questionnaire administered to the five Pueblos Magicos of the State in 2013. The model enables the computation of expenditure elasticities for the impact factors and the generation of reference expenditures under different scenarios. The model is a log-linear regression with explicative variables that capture socio demographic characteristics and travel habits. The results are used in order to discuss strategies for stimulating tourist demand growth in these Pueblos Magicos

    Diseño de un inversor con tecnología multinivel utilizando la técnica de eliminación selectiva de armónicos

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    En la actualidad el empleo de sistemas de generación eléctrica a través de fuentes alternas de energía incrementa continuamente, debido al aumento de la demanda energética mundial, y a una tendencia en la que se busca reducir las emisiones de CO2. Por lo que estas tendencias han echo que la implementación de dichas fuentes de energía haya aumentado continuamente de una forma considerable en este ultimo cuarto de siglo. Para que la integración de estas formas alternativas de generación de electricidad sea adecuada, sobre todo en la utilización de energía solar y energía eólica, debido a que necesitan de acondicionarse, se ha hecho latente la necesidad de implementar dispositivos electrónicos de potencia como son los inversores (corriente continua - corriente alterna), con los que actualmente se busca tener fuentes de generación eléctrica de pequeña, media y alta potencia, que cumplan con los requerimientos de eficiencia, calidad y seguridad establecidas por la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE). En el presente trabajo, se presenta el diseño e implementación de un convertidor CC/CA (corriente continua - corriente alterna) utilizando una topología para el inversor de puentes H en cascada con fuentes CC independientes en una configuración multinivel de 11 niveles de voltaje de control. Y aplicando la técnica de modulación de Eliminación Selectiva de Armónicos que permite mediante el análisis de Series de Fourier seleccionar apropiadamente los ángulos de conmutación para la eliminación de los armónicos de baja frecuencia más significativos

    Conceptualizing a Product with the Food-Related Lifestyle Instrument

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    Product perception is important for consumers’ acceptance, especially when it is associated with a geographical location. Consumers’ food-related lifestyles (FRLs) have been used to better identify the role that beverages have in people lives. The present study was conducted to understand the conceptualization of mezcal according to consumers’ FRLs. Four hundred mezcal consumers were surveyed in Mexico. Participants were asked to describe their experience with the product and consumption habits, to evaluate ten different FRL constructs, and to assess mezcal conceptualization using a check-all-that-apply test. A hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out on the composite variables of the evaluated constructs and their objective knowledge score to define segments. To visualize the relationships among FRL constructs and the terms used to describe mezcal, a multiple factorial analysis was carried out. The results showed four different mezcal clusters. The social and involved segment described the beverage with elements of traditional and food-related activities. The price–quality fixed segment was mainly associated with the product to handcraft process. Uninvolved consumers were not linked to specific terms and uninformed and unaware consumers were novice participants with mainly negative product connotations. Therefore, is important to consider consumers’ FRLs to have a better understanding of product conceptualization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A reconfigurable radio-frequency converter IC in 0.18 µm CMOS

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    This work presents a reconfigurable RF converter for DVB-T television applications using triple-play over GPON. The system takes the DVB-T input, a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) signal with spectral inversion in the range from 47 MHz to 1000 MHz, up-converts its frequency to the band-pass of a highly selective surface-acoustic wave (SAW) filter centered at 1.3 GHz, and then down-converts it so that it is compatible with the antenna input of conventional television sets. The designed RF converter incorporates two pairs of frequency synthesizer and mixer, based, respectively, on an integer-N phase-locked loop (PLL) with two LC-tank VCOs with 128 coarse tuning bands in the range from 1.35 GHz to 2.7 GHz, and a double-balanced Gilbert cell, modified for better impedance matching and improved linearity. It is fed with regulated supplies compensated in temperature and programmed by an I2 C interface operating on five 16-bit registers. This work presents the experimental characterization of the whole system plus selected cells for stand-alone testing, which have been fabricated in a 0.18 µm CMOS process
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